Dartmouth Book Awards

Submission Form

Review all Eligibility Criteria & Submission Requirements before completing this form.

Submissions are currently closed.

Submissions for the 2026 Dartmouth Book Awards will open in September, 2025, at which time the submission form will appear here.

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Is the above title traditionally published, hybrid-/partner-published, or self-published?
I, the (self-)publisher of the above title, hereby submit the above title to the following award category (or categories):
A title may be submitted to more than one award using a single submission form. However, the $40 submission fee is payable for each award to which the title is submitted.
E-transfers must be sent to dartmouthbookawards@gmail.com with the relevant title(s) in the memo or notes field.
Cheques must be payable to "Dartmouth Book Awards" and mailed to Dartmouth Book Awards, c/o David Thompson, 3-44 Orion Court, Dartmouth, NS, B2Y 4W6.
I, the (self-)publisher of the above title, acknowledge the following:
If the above title is self-published and is shortlisted for one or more awards, the promotional offset fee is waived. In case of a self-published title, please leave the relevant acknowledgement box unchecked.
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